Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's gonna get real crazy, real fast...

(written 6/25/09) Right now, I'm trying to enjoy the "normalcy" of my relatively simple life, because I'm afraid that it's not going to stay that way for long. Next month, a mere 4 weeks away, is the South Adams High School A Cappella Alumni Choir Reunion and Concert. Aaron Kaehr and Rochelle (Sprunger) Criss, and I are the planning committee for this event. They are a real joy to work with. It's hitting crunch time, and, to be honest, we're starting to get a little concerned. As of yesterday, we've only had 6 registration forms returned, and that included Aaron's. I'm trying really hard to not completely freak out. So, if you are a member of our Facebook page, don't be surprised if you start to receive reminder e-mails. In order to save my sanity (and Aaron and Rochelle's), I implimented a deadline of Friday, July 10th for all registrations. I might allow myself a minute to freak out after the 10th. Maybe. We also have someone who has graciously volunteered to seek out some corporate sponsorship to help cover the expenses of the event. Thanks, "M!" So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying that I have a mailbox full of registration forms when I get home tonight. Wouldn't that be nice? =)

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