Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I usually avoid making New Year's resolutions. They're just so cliche. - and no one ever keeps them. But, this year is going to be a little different. To avoid being cliche, though, let's call them "goals." Okay? ;)

So, here are my goals for 2010 (in no particular order):
Be greener. I've gotten out of the habit of recycling. It's time to get back in.
Set aside at least 1/2 hour each day for "creative time." And not just to work on Etsy projects. I will take time to explore my artistic side.
Learn to crochet. I would really like to make a scarf like the one I bought at Wal-Mart earlier this winter.
Be a better blogger. At least 1 post each week. Promise.
Work on my faith and personal relationship with God. I guess that's pretty self-explanatory.
Get healthy. This one's going to be the hardest. Baby steps, right? I'm certainly not getting any younger, and I'm tired of feeling like I'm 70 years old. A wise person once said that, once the pain of staying the same is greater than the fear of change, we will change. I guess it's time to utilize that lifetime gym membership. Hello Fitness USA. Goodbye McDonald's.

I hope that each of you had a safe New Year's celebration. May God bless you in the coming year.



  1. anytime you need a little inspiration with the latter of those goals -let me of mine is to make it over the weight loss finish line...5 lbs at a time!
